Age: Student must be at least 4 years old on or before 31 July in the year of enrolment.
Priority will be given to:
~ Children living within the school's catchment area
~ Children living outside the catchment area but who have siblings already enrolled at the school
~ Other applicants
Under Department of Education guidelines, priority will be given to:
~ Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children
~ children living in low socio-economic circumstances
~ children who are unable to access other early childhood settings due to financial hardship
Additional Criteria
~ Families access their full childcare subsidy entitlement (2.5 days per week) at another preschool facility, will not be eligible for placement under this program.
~ Children wishing to attend will need to be toileting independently before they enrol.
~ Children with medical conditions or additional needs will require an enrolment meeting before an application can be accepted. This process is to ensure all necessary requirements are in place for the child's safety and wellbeing.